Please Don’t Kill Dugong and Planet Earth
Open Letter to All Directors and Promoters of Plastic Producing Brand Owners
Attention: All Directors and Promoters of Plastic Producing Brand Owners
As a citizen of this world some of the questions that come to my mind when I observe such non-compliances (Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016) by large organizations are:
Market associations are built so quickly to challenge legislations. Why has creating a market association to help manage plastic waste taken this long?
Your company has successfully created plans and strategies to capture people’s interest/ taste. Why have you not taken the same amount of interest in owning a responsibility which you owe to these very people that give you your living. Why has waste management planning not been a priority in your planning and budget meetings when clearly it has been your legal obligation for long? Honestly and legally speaking, your ability to do business in India depends upon your compliance with the laws of this land. Your omission in this regard is representative of how you undermine India’s sovereignty and disrespect its institutions. This is not acceptable.
Also, by not complying with such a basic environmental law your company as on date stands in violation of your permissions to do business in India. All your foreign investment approvals and business registrations are subject to your representations of complying with applicable laws. Directors’ of producer company’s that have not been proactive about complying with the plastic waste management rules are standing in default of their duties as a director and are liable to be proceeded against (see companies act and the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 – happy to take you all over the rules).
Also, producer company’s that have not complied with their obligations under the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 are guilty of environmental pollution which could result in an enormous monetary liability which would be enforceable against the parent entities as well (Happy to talk to you about how this can be achieved).
Therefore, it is advisable that the directors on duty in such producer company’s along with all officers in charge take action to implement the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 immediately, as not only is it a matter of compliance but it is also a matter of doing business responsibly!
More in general
All those responsible for non-compliance with the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016, through their acts or omissions, are guilty of willful misconduct, gross negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation and gross violation of such a critical piece of legislation. By their sheer disregard of this law and apathy for the issue sought to be addressed by it, not only are they impacting the environment in India but also impacting the environment of the world at large.
What amazes me is that we look back in horror at the Bhopal Gas Tragedy but are so oblivious to the damage being caused everyday by the irresponsible management at the producer companies.
This letter notice has been written in public interest and should be considered as a notice of default and request for correction to the directors and officers in charge of the producer companies in India. This is a polite reminder for compliance and a call for innovation in the best interest of all inhabitants of earth.
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